
目前顯示的是 2011的文章

Recommended Reading: The New Psychology Of Strategic Leadership.

By: Gavetti, Giovanni. Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug2011, Vol. 89 Issue 7/8, p118-125. Abstract: Firms in an industry typically cluster around a few strategic positions, and the intense competition on those occupied "mountaintops" makes it hard for firms to gain attractive returns. Superior opportunities lie on unoccupied mountaintops. Yet because those opportunities are "cognitively distant"-far from the status quo- strategists have trouble recognizing and acting on them. Competition, therefore, is weak. Most managers are trained to analyze economic forces when they want to identify new opportunities. But that approach usually won't uncover the kinds of ideas that overturn the status quo. Recent research on human cognition suggests that leaders would do better to use associative thinking to spot, act on, and legitimize distant opportunities. They should learn to make analogies with businesses in other industries, for example. For example, Charles Merrill la...


雜誌採訪 :  美商 DDI 亞太區首席顧問林妍希談「高效人才管理 5 大關鍵」 隨著全球化的發展,任何企業均無法自外於國際競爭。企業欲在這場圈地競賽裡,取得長線勝利,仰賴的是人才,強調連結企業目前以及未來的策略目標下,廣泛進行人才發掘、培育與發展,是企業取勝全球化賽局的關鍵。 ( 呂玉娟、蔡士敏 )  根據勤業眾信顧問公司針對全球5百大快速成長科技產業的 CEO 所做的調查顯示, 21 %的 CEO 認為「高品質的員工」是貢獻公司成長最多的關鍵因素。所以,微軟比爾 ‧ 蓋茲說:「失去最優秀的 20 位人才,微軟就不再是重要的公司。」 隨著全球化迅速發展,資訊技術革命的推動與國際競爭白熱化,幾乎使任何企業都必須參與國際競爭。企業欲在這場圈地競賽裡,取得長線勝利,必須實施正確的人才管理,充分鼓舞人才,激勵員工為企業發展貢獻才智、不斷創新,發揮潛能。 人才管理是目前組織發展的熱門話題,擺脫企業缺人找人的缺憾,也能彌補接班人計畫,解決儲備高階主管的問題。強調的是連結企業現在以及未來的策略目標下,廣泛的人才發掘與發展。 然而,根據 IDC 顧問公司調查顯示,人才管理阻礙的原因之一,即是企業對人才管理的複雜過程,沒有設定良好的管理平台與系統,讓人才管理與公司策略,或與個人發展計畫,生涯成長缺少連接性。因此,企業要有適當的人才培養或接軌,才有可能面對這項挑戰。 連結策略找出未來人才 美商宏智國際顧問 (DDI) 亞太區首席顧問林妍希表示,人才管理必須與公司策略緊密結合。人才管理的起點是先釐清企業的願景,以及根據願景所訂的短、中、長期目標連結策略目標。 因為,企業經營有特定的目標及方向,不可能只為人而發展人。反而是因根據企業願景, CEO 開始沙盤推演要達到願景策略該怎麼走、需要多少人、這些人需要具備哪些關鍵特質與技能、 Key leader 要多少位 …… 而展開人才管理。 她舉例解釋,假設某家企業的 CEO 希望公司未來3、5年的營運目標,要達到新台幣 1 千億元。現階段已經達到 4 百億元。為了要達到 1 千億元的目標,企業現在要規劃未來的產品、通路、行銷策略,需要由誰來做?這些人才需要具備什麼樣的能力? CEO 必須針對這些未來人才的能力開出規格,此人才的規格是依據企業願景、目標和方向來訂...

Recommended Reading: Why Freud Matters?

Author: Dr. Robert Hogan /President of Hogan Assessment Systems Social psychology concerns how people behave in specific situations—for example, as members of a jury panel or eye witnesses to a mugging. Social psychology is very popular, but it doesn’t concern “human nature,” it concerns how people behave in carefully defined contexts. Personality psychology concerns “human nature"—understanding oneself and other people independent of specific situations. Despite its importance, it is vastly less popular than social psychology—for example, there are only about 400 personality psychologists in the United States. Even worse, modern personality psychology largely focuses on aspects of the so-called Big Five Theory. According to this respected academic model, what we know about ourselves and other people can be described as follows: 1. Some people are shy and reserved; others are outgoing and talkative 2. Some people are nervous and guilt prone, others are confident and resili...