
目前顯示的是 2012的文章


你可能不相信,在這個全球萬眾矚目的奧運盛會準備過程中, DDI 扮演著一席重要的角色 … 舉世矚目第 30 屆奧林匹克運動會已於 7 月 27 日在倫敦當地時間早上 9 點熱烈展開。能夠參加奧運會,對於所有運動選手們有著非比尋常的意義,這場競賽極有可能將成就他們事業的巔峰。那些他們為之拼搏的日子、那些充滿憧憬的歲月,一切都將在倫敦被點燃。 2004 年,在數百萬英鎊國家彩票的支持下,英國成立了一個名叫 UK Sport 的組織,主要的目的與責任是替英國提高菁英式運動品質。 UK Sport 的主要負責人意識到要能夠提高運動成績的品質與成就,就必須要注重教練的品質。 UK Sport 計畫發動一場用最高標準來選拔、發展及衡量教練的革命。在這樣的願景下,菁英教練計畫 (The Elite Coach Program) 應運而生。這是一個有威望、擁有雄厚資助的發展項目,每年選出 10 到 20 位個人接受加速的發展計畫,以充分發掘出他們的潛力。 這些體育教練歷來都是業餘的 , 這些志願者通常是前參賽運動員。但是 UK Sport 認為菁英教練的成功典範 (Success Profile) 需涵蓋的不只是單純技術與技巧訓練的能力,他們期望教練是真正的領導者。 DDI 的參與就從這裡開始。 我們受邀來協助此菁英教練的選拔流程,針對這些教練候選人提供精確的評鑒資訊。我們將他們送至 DDI 加速發展中心 (Acceleration Center) 接受一天嚴苛的挑戰。所有的評鑑工作在當天晚上完成,以便提供第二天的作作為判斷與決策的依據。 歷時 4 年的過程中, DDI 一共評鑑了將近 100 名候選人,其中 40 名加入了菁英教練計畫。通過評估, DDI 為部分教練提供了高階輔導( Executive Coaching ),同時也運用了 IM:EX 領導力系列課程進行了團隊發展。此外,我們還為 UK Sport 的核心資深團隊提供了績效管理方面的支持。 鑒於 DDI 和 UK Sport 堅強的夥伴關係,菁英教練計畫的主要領導人 Darlene Harrison 和奧林匹克金牌得主 Tim Foster 將特別出席今年在美國佛羅里達州舉辦的 DDI 客戶峰會 (DDI Client Summit) ,並針對合作內...

How to Handle Criticism and Nonconstructive Feedback

N icole Wolfe, B.S. At one point or another, no doubt, you’ve flipped through the channels and seen a zebra instinctively fleeing a hungry lion. This reaction is part of a natural response to threats called the acute stress response—or more commonly, fight-flight-or-freeze—which is hard wired in the brains of humans and animals. And while taking flight from a lion is a zebra’s productive response to a threat, this response does not work so effectively in the workplace. Unlike in the animal kingdom, the threats that induce the acute stress response at work are not life threatening. More often than not, these “threats” are merely criticisms of our work. When a boss or co-workers criticize us, we feel the same immediate stress that causes the zebra to flee. In the workplace, this automatic response is characterized by verbal defensiveness (fight), avoiding the situation (flight), or having no response at all (freeze). These responses do nothing more than leave us with a sinking feelin...

Women Leaders Study -conducted by Caliper Consulting Firm

T he Qualities that Distinguish Women Leaders  Women leaders are more persuasive, assertive and willing to take more risks than male leaders. Mara Swan, Chief People Officer for Molson Coors, points out, "I believe this study shows that for a woman to become a leader today, she has to fight harder against the status quo, which requires her to be more focused and determined." Women leaders are more assertive and persuasive, have a stronger need to get things done and are more willing to take risks than male leaders, according to a new study conducted by Caliper, a Princeton-based management consulting firm, which has assessed the potential of more than two million applicants and employees for over 25,000 companies around the world, and Aurora, a London-based organization which advances women and comprises a 20,000 member businesswomen's network. Women leaders also were found to be more empathic and flexible, as well as stronger in interpersonal skills than...

LinSanity! 解析林書豪的DNA (林妍希)

林書豪旋風席捲全美與兩岸,讓球迷為之瘋狂,驚呼 Linsanity! Lincredible!   究竟為什麼他可以在關鍵時刻,那樣神奇地投進那三分球 ? 為什麼先前的球探與教練沒有慧眼看出他的潛力呢 ? 評估球員的實力,永遠是讓球探、教練以及管理者頭痛難眠的問題。每次選拔前,他們總是想知道,到底哪些球員具備了那些足以讓他們在跨出校園後仍然可以繼續成長但事先卻難以辨識的能力 ?  美國大學的籃球隊球員約有兩萬名,能夠晉升參加 NBA 球員選拔賽的選手,不到四百名。這些選手個個都是得分好手、隊長、甚至是國家代表隊的球員。選拔單位從這些菁英中,再挑選出約不到兩成的球員。亦即,兩萬名的大學球員當中,不到百分之三比率的人會成為 NBA 球員。而獲選球員當中,只有少數幾位日後能夠在 NBA 裡存活,尚且不用談是否能成為耀眼的明星球員了。 我們之所以這麼難以判斷一個運動員是否能在專業領域裡出人頭地,是因為我們很難去知道一個運動員內在潛藏的人格特質與動機因素,但這些因素卻是影響每個人日後是否能在運動場上得以發光發熱的關鍵。 真實的情況經常是,校園裡出色的運動員,很少人能夠有機會真正面對挑戰試出自己的潛能或實力。通常他只要靠著原有的天資與能力,就可以讓他在校園的競賽中表現相當的水準。事實上,他真實、內在的特質卻可能還未被真正發掘與測試。一名運動員只有身處在職業競賽的領域裡,能夠棋逢高手,這個問題才可能得到解答。只有在這個時候,他內在真正的實力、可能的限制與深層的動機,才會浮上檯面。當然,可能這名運動員在這時早已被選拔為職業選手,而之前球探、教練未識英雄的錯誤判斷也已造成。 美國知名心理學家創設的 Caliper 顧問公司,很早就開始著手探究明星運動員的人格特質與在內動力。曾經有項研究是針對四千多名來自棒球、籃球、美式足球與曲棍球等領域的運動員,進行心理的評估。根據評估結果,發現那些能在專業領域裡取得一席之地的運動員,都具備了三項關鍵的心理素質:自律 (self-discipline) 、競爭動力 (Competitiveness)  以及挫折回復力 (Resilience) 。對運動員而言,絕佳的體能與技巧是基本功。真正影響他成為運動場上非凡閃耀明星的關鍵,不在體能、技巧與努力,而...

DDI Research center : Recommended Readings and Book Summaries

Catch Up on the Latest Industry News from DDI Resource Center by Krista Ford, Resource Center Manager Recent Articles: Gilt Groupe's CEO on Building a Team of A Players. By: Ryan, Kevin. Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb2012, Vol. 90 Issue 1, p43-46. Ryan believes that a CEO should spend more time on recruiting and managing people than on any other activity, and that the head of HR is one of the most important people in the company. He insists on his freedom to bypass managers and speak with any employee at any time. And he espouses certain talent-management principles, such as that your best people are usually underpaid (reward them with performance pay) and that people leave jobs mainly because they don't like their managers. Recruiting at Gilt Groupe focuses on references more than on résumés and interviews because, Ryan says, résumés only establish basic qualifications for a job, and interviewers can't help being influenced by wellspoken or attractive people. But...